Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is RJS Media Consulting located?

    We are located in Southern Arizona and provide limousine marketing services to companies throughout the United States

  • What areas does RJS Media Consulting serve?

    We serve clients through out the United States.

  • Who are our clients?

    small to mid-size limousine businesses and charities.  

  • Is travel involved for projects?

    While we do travel for projects if the size and scope necessitates it, most of our work is conducted online or over the phone.

  • How much will it cost?

    The cost for RJS Media Consulting to fully develop a website on the Duda platform can vary depending on the specific needs of your project. The total cost will depend on factors such as the complexity and functionality of the website, the number of pages required, and the amount of custom design and development work needed.

    Based on industry standards, the development cost for a website built on the Duda platform by a professional agency such as RJS Media Consulting can range between $5,000 to $25,000 or more. This range includes the cost of development tools provided by Duda, as well as the expertise and time required by the agency to create a customized and fully-functional website that meets your business needs.

    It's important to note that the cost of website development may also vary depending on the level of support and additional services required, such as SEO optimization or ongoing maintenance and updates. For a more accurate estimate of the cost to fully develop your website on the Duda platform with RJS Media Consulting, it's best to discuss your specific needs with them directly. They can provide you with a detailed proposal that outlines the cost and timeline for your project.

  • How long will it take to develop my site?

    This depends on the size and scope of the project, but generally projects range between 3-6 weeks from plan to launch. If you need an expedited project, we’re happy to work with you within your rushed deadline for an additional fee.

  • How do I get started?

    Email us some more information about your project, or you can always give us a call at 951-300-7202.

  • Are photos included?

    No, photos and other graphics are not included in website development, but we offer commercial photography and  video services through our awesome partners. We can also help you choose licensed stock images from trusted sources.

  • Who provides the content and integrates is into our new site?

    Generally, the client provides the content within an approved site structure; then we place the content and instruct you how to manage it. However, we can generate content from scratch, update your existing content, or edit as well.

  • How can my site show up in search engines?

    We can help boost your rankings with content development, social media, and our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) packages.

  • What type of payment do you accept?

    Cash, check, or major credit cards 

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